Monday, February 6, 2012

Winging it

Gee I crack myself up. 
This piece should have been straight. I'm not really sure what happened here... maybe little elves came in at night and re-cut some of my pieces while I slept? I'll go with that. 
Almost there.

Any good tips for keeping the cats away from my almost finished chair? The little grey devil has already marked up the fabric. Not happy. Gee boyfriend, I have no idea what happened to your (evil)cats, they must have gotten out. What a shame, now I can stop living in an allergy induced miserable hell.... these slippers? they're not new. Yes they've always had tails...  
Step cats- at least they're cute.

Any way... I'm not bitter.


  1. You have mad skills. This has been impressive as hell! Can't wait to see it finished!

  2. Thank you!! I've had a lot of fun with this project, and honestly I can't wait to have it finished. :)

  3. Why do they mew when I walk? Well, it's magic dear. Now go be a man and continue being bad at decorating.
