Saturday, October 29, 2011

L's Corset!

 This is my first corset for someone else. I'm hoping to do some commission work...I mean wouldn't it be great (and scary!) to get paid for doing something you love? Anyway. This was a freeby, made with the hopes that she'd advertise the hell of it. Time shall tell.
I wish I'd taken pics during construction. Sigh. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Some days you have to put away the sewing machine and get out the hot glue gun! I lurve my hot glue gun... I think I need a bumper sticker saying that.

I went to JoAnn's today for some trim/ ribbon for another project and came home with something else. I can't resist long fringe, So I'm standing there trying to figure out how I could incorporate this into my costume and it hit me! Boom. Epaulets.  Without further ado, pictures


These were super simple. I traced a ribbon spool on some cardboard for the shape, then went the fabric, then cord, then fringe. There is some gold cord in the photos, I may try to google some knotting techniques to decorate the tops. They seem a smidge plain. I also need to figure out how I'm attaching these to the coat.

I love the idea of them being removable. See the button holes on the first pic? Sigh. I don't feel like sewing today but I will definitely put up finished pics later .