Saturday, October 15, 2011


Some days you have to put away the sewing machine and get out the hot glue gun! I lurve my hot glue gun... I think I need a bumper sticker saying that.

I went to JoAnn's today for some trim/ ribbon for another project and came home with something else. I can't resist long fringe, So I'm standing there trying to figure out how I could incorporate this into my costume and it hit me! Boom. Epaulets.  Without further ado, pictures


These were super simple. I traced a ribbon spool on some cardboard for the shape, then went the fabric, then cord, then fringe. There is some gold cord in the photos, I may try to google some knotting techniques to decorate the tops. They seem a smidge plain. I also need to figure out how I'm attaching these to the coat.

I love the idea of them being removable. See the button holes on the first pic? Sigh. I don't feel like sewing today but I will definitely put up finished pics later .

1 comment:

  1. Um. These are kind of epic. :D I'm not a big fringe person myself but I really dig how you did those.
