Saturday, March 24, 2012


Here she is, fresh from the closet after years of neglect. Complete with non functional combo lock. That I can't get off. I see a hack saw in my future. 
The Victim

I probably put at least a half dozen coats of Ebony stain on these bastards, but the stain wasn't taking very well. I ended up with almost black legs, with a lot of the wood grain showing.  

Lets face it I'm cheap, so instead of picking up a can of Killz, I bought a .99 cent can of white spray paint. Next, I used Rustoleum's heirloom white. I had left over from dresser, so I only needed one can. Then the fun part. Glaze.
FYI There are NO instructions on this, not even drying time, so read up online!
This stuff was....interesting.. to work with. In the sunlight outside it's hardly visible as a color, it just looks sparkly and transparent.  You can hardly tell it's there.
Without the flash
 It's a different trunk with the flash on. ...Wait, I can see spots I missed now. Awesome. Guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow. Next time I'll see about mixing with a bit of paint or something to increase the opacity a smidgen, and I'd chose a slightly darker non-metallic if I could do it again, because it's a little too bling-y for me.
With the flash.

 Total damage: 
Legs- 14.20
Paint -4.94
Glaze- 5.48
Misc BS (drop cloth, nuts, washers, foam brush)- about 3.50
Wood Stain- on hand
Trunk- remnant of band camp glory days- priceless

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Oh the joys of moving. I can now say that I am 100% moved in to the new place. I love it, but it needs lotsa work. After work I biked around the neighborhood and then scraped paint off the glass on the front door. . mmm...  And I was productive as usual at work, meaning I found a new fabric for the sofa.   
As long as it's the only busy thing in the room it'll be ok, right?
I'll admit I am exhausted and a bit crazy right now, but I have so many ideas for everything. I just need more time and maybe for my tax return to come in... or my deposit back from the old place. 

This. Is . Happening. SOON. 
I already have the trunk. Watch out Home Depot!! I can't wait to play with some paint glazes. I sorta goofed around with "antiquing" the dresser I re-did (for lack of a better descriptive word) a month back. I like the white, it's just a smidge plain. Also legs... I had originally thought I liked the idea of a hammered bronze (spray paint rocks my socks) but now I'm needing something that will stand out from the hardwoods but not be tacky.
Dresser for reference ....Dare I call it Shabby Chic?
Did I mention that my new place has a million windows? Ok only 11 plus two doors with glass. All of them filled with tacky mini blinds. So project number, oh, I forget.. 4?  Roman Blinds. I posted up a wanted ad on Craigslist for broken blinds.... we will see how that goes... worst case scenario I order them for 8 bucks a piece from walmart... but that defeats the free-cycling diy, not buying from the "man" attitude I like to think I have. When it's convenient. HA. 

And last but not least: 

Actually this is like #217 on my to-do list.
.... BUT it's too cute to not show you guys.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Garter 2.0

I just have to say this is probably the second (ok who am I kidding? it's the first.) time I've ever made something that turned out better than I'd pictured it, but first a picture of the net I used. Because sparkly tulle (even silk tulle) is borderline tacky (sorry Belle). Also because it's the only picture I was able to take before my camera died that shows the color pretty well. 

So avid reader... remember we were making this?

The flowers are silk, the beads in the centers are these uber pretty pinkish pearls. I just had to share this... I am bursting at the seams (pun intended) to show someone. Better pictures to follow.... when y camera and charger end up in the same house. 

P.S. my fabric swatch came in... after two weeks and it's old lady-ish. Sad day. :(
what I was hoping was un-shiny

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Garter help!

I am supposed to be making this for my sisters wedding.

Normally I would love the chance to make the crazy little applique/thing but 1) I am moving and 2) I am forgetful and only have 4 days and change left to make this thing. SO. I'm thinking maybe I can jazz up an applique with beads or possibly find a neat pin at the flea market today. Maybe if those ideas fail I'll get an adventurous/masochistic streak and try embroidering with my machine? Thoughts? Tips?