Sunday, January 22, 2012


 I'mma tired little blogger tonight. whew. Here's my little project.
I bought it off Craigslist for 25 smackaroos almost a year ago, it's been sitting under a throw/blanket ever since. It's just been waiting for me to wake up with a bug up my ass to tear it apart..... which was this morning. First I must recommend a pair of gloves and allergy meds. Needle-nose pliers help too. The idea is 1. remove the pieces (starting with the bottom and removing layers like an onion) 2. number pieces 3. use said pieces as a template. 4 put new pieces on in reverse order. 
Cozy looking, right?

After 6+ hours, 162 stud/tack/things and god knows how many staples, I think I may have underestimated things. Just a bit? oooooohhkay. 
Most of the original upholstery has been removed.
On the porch with a beer and some furniture. Living the Okie dream.

Next week: fabric and a high powered staple gun. Man I can't wait, some days the hot glue gun just won't cut it!

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