Friday, May 11, 2012

How to Iron Your Sofa

First I must say that I slacked last weekend by running off to Arkansas. The people talk funny and most of them seem kinda slow, but they have more than their fair share of gorgeous camping opportunities. After four(ish) hours of driving and miles and miles of this 

Oh and a few (hundred) of these 

we arrived here:

Anyway back to ironing the sofa...again. I was so excited when I got my foam home that I wrestled it into the cover without ironing it. This was a mistake. I realized at this point that it should probably be washed in super hot water to snug it up.... because I ran out of cushion wrap :( So the next best thing is a super hot iron with steam. can I just say that I tested my irons water spray range and it clears a good 9 feet. Back to business.

looking better!

So. More cushion wrap it'll have to be. I need to put the right front arm on and more piping here and there and she's done. Then I get to make a million throw pillows. I've been looking into this
so I can make stuff like this

with all the cool graphics like these

Most of which were found here.


  1. Kind of excited to see it done! Even if it's wrinkled. And man, the views!!! That must have been so beautiful.

  2. Northwest Arkansas has lots of beautiful places to camp. I'm not sure where you were but the bluff reminds me of the Buffalo River. Your sofa looks great. That is quite a project.

  3. We camped at Kyle's landing on the Buffalo! We had to float much further down river because the water was pretty low, but it was still gorgeous! :)
